Hey, I’m Christa

I’m an early childhood consultant, play advocate, and a budding creative.

I coach educators & creatives to be supportive caregivers, reflective observers, and collaborative participants in their unique environments.

My training programs invite you to play, learn, connect, & immerse yourself in all the wonders of childhood

My approach is based on three principles:


Taking a holistic approach using developmentally appropriate practices to grow the mind, body and spirit of the child


Play-based learning with a strong emphasis on nature play & inquiry


Valuing and respecting children’s rights inspired by practices in Reggio Emilia

Are you ready to nurture imagination, creativity, and active play in your program?

I’m here to help you navigate your path to a successful & playful learning environment.

Click the button below to contact me regarding your FREE consultation call or request information about a training, workshop, or professional development day.